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Frequently Asked Questions

We know that navigating the behavioral health system can be challenging. We are here to help. If you don't see your question answered below, please reach out using our Contact form.

  • What will this cost?
    We believe that every child deserves the care they need to lead a successful life. If you do not have private insurance, we will help you enroll your child in Medicaid to cover the cost.
  • What is the referral process? Do referrals have to come from agencies?
    While we do accept referrals from outside agencies, they are not necessary. Prospective families may inquire on their own. We do ask that families fill out a referral questionnaire that details their concerns, the client's background, previous treatment, and other relevant information. We also ask that they include any additional documentation that would help us form a clearer picture of their child's needs and circumstances, including (but not limited to): the child's IEP, 504 Plan, most recent assessment, clinical or floor notes, psychiatric notes, incident reports, probation and detention summaries, treatment plans and/or discharge summary. We have a dedicated team that carefully reviews each referral. If we feel that we are not the best fit for your child's circumstances and needs, we will refer you to another agency. If you would like to review a copy of our referral form, please click the button below.
  • Are you a locked facility?
    No, we are not a locked facility. Every client we have is with us by choice. Our inpatient facilities are located in residential neighborhoods and we strive to immerse our clients in the community as much as is possible.
  • How long is your program?
    Typically, clients stay with us for 180 days (six months). This number can vary slightly based on an individual client's progress, behavior, and engagement with the program.
  • Will they attend "regular" school?
    While many of our clients do attend public school with their peers, this will depend on their individual needs and behaviors. RYC offers an alternate Education Center for those that cannot attend public school, which provides educational support in the form of daily homework and/or study assistance and monitoring, GED support, IEP advocacy, and/or credit recovery assistance. ​​For more information, please refer to our "Services" page.
  • Do education credits transfer when clients leave the program?
    An updated transcript will be sent with your student when they return home, and any credits earned during their participation in our program will count toward high school graduation.
  • What level of supervision is provided during the school day?
    As parents and guardians, you will work with your child’s treatment team to choose a community school placement that best fits your child. Some of our community school placements provide RYC staff supervision, while others are supervised by KGBSD teachers, with regular communication to RYC staff.
  • Can students participate in extracurricular activities?
    Students in our treatment program are eligible (with permission from parents/guardians, as well as the program director) to participate on any KGBSD sports team. Students need to demonstrate appropriate and active participation in their treatment program in order to qualify for extracurriculars.
  • Will my child have their own bedroom?
    Most youth at RYC will have a roommate.
  • Can my child have their cell phone/Xbox?
    No. Personal electronics are not allowed in the residential setting. However, there are communal videogame consoles in each of the houses for client use, contingent on their behavior. Once a client has transitioned into a Therapeutic Treatment Home, personal cellphone privileges may be earned if indicated in their treatment plan.
  • Can my child make phone calls while in the program?
    Yes, we allow clients to make phone calls in the evenings and on weekends. We utilize an "Approved Contacts" list that is authorized by the client's legal guardians and/or probation officers.

© 2024 by Residential Youth Care  |  Privacy Policy

Residential Youth Care, Inc.

The mission of Residential Youth Care is to advocate for and foster the safety and well-being of youth at risk and their families so they may lead productive lives.


Residential Youth Care is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Donations made to RYC are tax deductible, to the extent permitted by law. 

Contact Us

2506 First Avenue

Ketchikan, AK 99901


(907) 225-4664

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